Thursday, December 18, 2008

Africa is not a deathwish.

When I tell you that I am leaving to study abroad and volunteer in Africa, please stop hugging me as you exaggerate about how you might never see me again. Please stop telling me that I will die of malaria, or ask me if I am scared that I will stick out like a sore thumb because of my skin color.

Please stop being so ignorant.

Please realize that 53 different countries make up this continent. Africa houses 14.2% of the world's population. Yes, parts of the continent is currently in civil war. Yes, many countries are still currently in its developing state. But come on, just like Europe and Asia is home to many different cultural communities, so is Africa. In fact, Ghana alone is home to over 1000 different language dialects.

My chances of dying in Africa are probably comparable to my chances of death in America. Ever drive down the 405 the evening before Thanksgiving? It's pretty dangerous. Tell me I'm going to get mugged everywhere I go? Yes, I might stand out as a foreigner, but I'm sure there are parts of Los Angeles and Westwood that I would feel unsafe walking through during the evening time too for these reasons. Santitation is poor, and mosquito bites can be deadly sometimes, but I am taking necessay precations to prevent this by taking malaria medicine. I have my first aid kit prepared, I have received the proper vaccinations. Come on, I've done the proper planning for this.

There is such a negative stereotype against Africa. I've realize that I perpetuated some of them initially. But now, as I am researching the country, the people, and the culture in preparation for this trip, I'm starting to realize that there is a lot more to this country than I could have every imagined.

Please stop showering me with sour comments.

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