Thursday, July 16, 2009


So, when I came to Ghana, I wasn’t sure what to pack. Everyone at the EAP office told us to pack conservatively. But when talking to students who had returned from the trip, it seemed like everything was up for grabs. As long as you did not show any midriff or too much leg above the knee, you were fine! Spaghetti straps, halters and tube shirts were fine. Dresses are key for staying cool in the hot humid weather. Don’t worry about buying clothes to bring, because you can always get some made there!

I ended packing pretty conservatively, and wished I had brought more tank tops and tube tops. I ended up getting a couple dresses and shorts made to wear. i would recommend doing that, because not only is it pretty cheap (about 8 dollars to buy a pre-made dress, 15 to get a custom made one), but Ghanaians also have all sorts of beautiful hand-dyed fabrics!

pre-made dresses at Osu.

A bunch of Voltarians getting ready to celebrate Volta Hall’s 50th birthday. Look at all the colors!!

Performers dressed in traditional dancing garb.

They also like to print fabrics for different organizations. For example, this year was Volta Hall’s (the all-girls Ghanaian dorm at the University of Ghana) 50th birthday. In commemoration of this event, there was Volta Hall Fabric printed! A bunch of people bought it, turned it into an outfit, wore it on the day of the celebration.

Volta Hall porters. All the cubicles behind them is where we store our keys when we go out. There is only one key per room so you have to drop it off when you leave.

Even I got one made! Here is me with Uncle Ben, the head porter of Volta Hall:

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