Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rest in Peace Dr. Asiama

Picture of Dr. Asiama, taken by someone in the fall 2008 program.

I didn’t know Dr. Asiama for very long but he has left an impression with me that will last a lifetime. He was a truly one of a kind professor. I have never had a professor who was so enthusiastic about his course material and so enjoyable to be around. He somehow managed to teach Twi to us in such a unique and easy to understand way that the entire class became intermediate speakers of the language in a very short amount of time. My exceptional bargaining skills at the art center, my ability to converse with the nurses and patients at the hospital across the street, and the laughter I brought my Ghanaian friends when I attempted to speak to them in Twi were all made possible by Dr. Asiama. I still have the vivid memories of Tuesday and Thursday morning, when he would walk into the classroom, always on time with a giant smile on his face, ready to teach his seven students in the introduction to Twi class. He would joke with us, laugh with us and try to learn American colloquialisms and mannerism from us- he really made an effort to engage his students. With Dr. Asiama, the answer to “ete sen?” was always “eye paapapaa.” He was such an optimistic man with such a positive outlook on life. Though he is gone, his memory and good spirits will always be with us. It is a tragic loss to the EAP program, the University of Ghana, and to all the past, present and future students of the University, and it is unfortunate that such a serious illness had to claim his life. However, we all know that he is in a better place now, gracing others with the happiness and kindness he has so graciously shared with us. God bless you Dr. Asiama. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me, and have passed on to all the other students that have come across you. We will never forget you.

- Written by me, for his eulogy.

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